It is the theory that describes what we can observe. ·ÄÉ®Õ ¤×ͤÓ͸ԺÒÂÊÔ觷ÕèàÃÒÊѧࡵÍÍ¡ÁÒä´é...
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." ÊͧÊÔ觷ÕèÁÕ¤èÒ͹ѹµì¤×Í ¨Ñ¡ÃÇÒÅ áÅФÇÒÁäÁèÃÙé¢Í§Á¹ØÉÂì áµèÊÓËÃѺ¨Ñ¡ÃÇÒÅ ¼ÁäÁèá¹èã¨(ÇèÒÁÕ¤èÒ͹ѹµì¨ÃÔ§?)...
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by the age of eighteen ÊÒÁÑ_ÊÓ¹Ö¡ à¡Ô´¨Ò¡¡ÒÃÊÐÊÁ ͤµÔ «Öè§àÃÔèÁä´éÁÒàÁ×èÍÍÒÂØ 18...
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler ¤Ç÷ӷءæÊÔè§ãËé§èÒÂà·èÒ·Õè¨Ð·Óä´é áµèäÁèãªè·ÓẺâ§èæ...
The only sure way to avoid making mistakes is to have no new ideas ÇÔ¸Õ·Õè»ÅÍ´ÀÑ·ÕèÊØ´ à¾×èÍäÁèãËé·Ó¼Ô´¤×Í ÍÂèÒ¤Ô´ÍÐäÃãËÁèæ
Imagination is more important than knowledge ¨Ô¹µ¹Ò¡Òà ÁÕ¤ÇÒÁÊÓ¤ÑÁÒ¡¡ÇèÒ ¤ÇÒÁÃÙé...
When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge àÁ×èÍ¢éÒ¾à¨éÒÅͧÁͧÂé͹´ÙµÑÇ¢éÒ¾à¨éÒáÅÐÇÔ¸Õ¤Ô´¢Í§¢éÒ¾à¨éÒàͧ ¨Ö§µÃÐ˹ѡÇèÒ ¾ÃáË觨Թµ¹Ò¡ÒÃÁÕÇÒÁËÁÒµèͼÁÁÒ¡¡ÇèÒ¾ÃÊÇÃäìã¹àÃ×èͧ¡Òôٴ«Ñº¤ÇÒÁÃÙéàªÔ§ ºÇ¡...
The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible ÊÔ觷Õèà¢éÒã¨ä´éÂÒ¡ÁÒ¡¤×Í -âÅ¡¡çà»ç¹ÊÔ觷ÕèàÃÒÊÒÁÒöà¢éÒ㨠ä´é´éǹÐ...
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it àÃÒÂèÍÁäÁèÊÒÁÒöá¡é»ÑËÒ´éÇ¡ÒÃãªéʵÔÃдѺà´ÕÂǡѺ ¼Ùé·ÕèÊÃéÒ§Áѹ(»ÑËÒ¹Ñé¹)¢Öé¹ÁÒ...
1. Out of clutter, find simplicity. 2. From discord, find harmony. 3. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity 㹤ÇÒÁÇØè¹ÇÒ ¨§ËÒ¤ÇÒÁàÃÕº§èÒ 㹤ÇÒÁ¢Ñ´áÂé§ ¨§ÁͧËÒ¤ÇÒÁà¢éҡѹä´é 㹤ÇÒÁÇÔ¡ÄµÔ ¨§ÁͧËÒâÍ¡ÒÊ...
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds ¨ÔµÇÔÒ¹·ÕèÂÔè§ãËèÁÑ¡¶Ù¡µè͵éÒ¹ÍÂèÒ§Ãعáç¨Ò¡¤¹ÊÒÁÑ·ÑèÇæä»...
The mere formulation of a problem is far more often essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science ¡Òáè͵ÑǢͧ»ÑËÒã´æ ÁÑ¡ÊӤѡÇèҤӵͺ¢Í§Áѹ«Öè§ÍÒ¨¨Ðà»ç¹á¤èàÃ×èͧ¢Í§·Ñ¡Éзҧõ³ÔµÈÒʵÃìËÃ×Í »ÃÐʺ¡Òóì㹡Ò÷´Åͧ ¡ÒõÑ駤ӶÒÁãËÁèæ ¤ÇÒÁà»ç¹ä»ä´éãËÁèæãËé¡Ñºâ¨·Âìà´ÔÁæ´é¡ÒÃÁͧµèÒ§ÁØÁµéͧÍÒÈѨԹµ¹Ò¡Òà ¹Õè¤×ͤÇÒÁ¡éÒÇ˹éÒ·Ò§ÇÔ·ÂÒÈÒʵÃì·Õèá·é¨ÃÔ§
A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'Universe'; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely but striving for such achievement is, in itself, a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security Á¹ØɪҵÔà»ç¹à¾Õ§Êèǹ˹Ö觢ͧÊÔ觷ÕèàÃÒàÃÕ¡ÇèҨѡÃÇÒÅ·Õè¨Ó¡Ñ´·Ñé§ ¡ÒÅÐáÅÐà·ÈÐè à»ç¹¼Ùéà¢éÒã¨ÇèÒµÑÇà¢Ò,¤ÇÒÁ¤Ô´,áÅФÇÒÁÃÙéÊÖ¡¢Í§à¢Ò ᡨҡÊèǹ·ÕèàËÅ×ͧ͢¨Ñ¡ÃÇÒÅ-¹Õè¤×ͤÇÒÁºÔ´àº×͹¢Í§¡ÒÃÃÐÅÖ¡ÃÙ骹Դ˹Öè§ ¤ÇÒÁºÔ´àº×͹¹ÕéáËÅФ×ͤءÊÓËÃѺàÃÒ ¤Ø¡·Õè¢Ñ§àÃÒãËéÍÂÙè¡Ñºáµè¤ÇÒÁµéͧ¡Òâͧµ¹àͧáÅФÇÒÁª×蹪ͺ·Õèä´é¨Ò¡¤¹ã¡ÅéªÔ´ ˹éÒ·Õè ¢Í§àÃÒ¤×Í Ë¹ÕÍÍ¡¨Ò¡¤Ø¡¹Õé â´Âá¼è¢ÂÒÂǧáË觤ÇÒÁÃÑ¡áÅÐàÁµµÒÍÍ¡ä»ã¹¤ÇÒÁ§ÒÁ¢Í§ªÕÇÔµáÅиÃÃÁªÒµÔ·Ñ駻ǧ ¶Ö§äÁèÁÕã¤Ã·Óä´é¨ÃÔ§æ áµè¤ÇÒÁ¾ÂÒÂÒÁ·Õè¨Ð·ÓãËéÊÓàÃç¨ ÂèÍÁÁÕÊèǹÊè§àÃÒÊÙèÍÔÊÃÐÀÒ¾ áÅÐÕ¤ÇÒÁÁÑ蹤§ÀÒÂã¹